Global Markets Overview - 12/13/2011

From Morrison Securities Pty Ltd. A negative reaction to last week's European sovereign-debt summit by credit-ratings firms sent U.S. stocks sharply lower Monday, erasing all of the stock-market gains that followed the summit Friday.

Two Bullets And Baron Rothschild

By Richard (Rick) Mills As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best informationI've read the following articles so many times I can just about recite both from memory.
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Telstra Shutdowns Database due to Security Breach

Telecommunications firm Telstra shut down its online billing and BigPond e-mail service for more than 24 hours starting Friday night after its bundle plan customer database became accessible to the public exposing user names and passwords of some 60,000 customers.

Europe: Get IT Right

It's now up to the 17 eurozone leaders to come up with something dramatic to regain the confidence of markets after the European Central Bank refused to backstop the zone in bond markets.

Australian Stock Market Report - Morning - 12/12/2011

Australian share markets are seen opening positively this week following the strong signals from the European stock markets. Analysts from CMC Markets, Commonwealth Securities, IG Markets, and OptionsXpress share their views as to what direction the local equity markets will go on this first trading day.

Global Markets Overview - 12/12/2011

U.S. stocks wrapped up a second straight week of gains as the euro zone's latest plan to fix its debt crisis overshadowed some disappointing forecasts from big U.S. companies. The Dow Jones Industrial Average advanced 187 points, or 1.6%, to 12184.26, undoing most of the previous day's sharp losses.

Property Investments that Might Earn Big in 2012

A survey of more than 360 internationally renowned real estate professionals, including investors, developers, property company representatives, lenders, brokers and consultants has revealed the emerging top earners for the real estate sector in 2012.

Australia's Business Council Pushes for NBN's Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Productivity Commission's finding that NBN Co's business model is potentially in breach of the federal government's own competition policy underlines the need for a cost-benefit analysis of the National Broadband Network, Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott said.

Prolink Puts Off Holidays in Christmas Rush

Prolink Finance Solutions’ Muzi Dandachli will be postponing holidays until late January or early February to cope with demand which is having his business colleagues ‘chasing their tails’.

Android Breaches 10 Billion App Download Mark

Google is fast catching up with Apple as the tech giant marked this week the 10 billionth download form its Android Market, signalling the dwindling gap between the current dominant App Store and its closest rival.

Kazakhstan ? The Uranium Price Setter

By Greg PeelIt's been an eventful year in the global uranium market.The year began with the globally significant Ranger mine in the Northern Territory shutting down due to flooding, and there is still no guarantee operator Energy Resources of Australia ((ERA)) will decide the veteran mine can b...

Peter Switzer: SMSFs Are Doing 'Pretty Well'

by Peter Switzer, Switzer Super ReportAt a time when both industry and retail super funds are losing some of their best customers to self-managed super funds (SMSFs), it was interesting to hear what the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) thinks of us as a group of investors.
