People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals release a statement after hearing that three caged wolves were among the attractions greeting the guests last night at the Breaking Dawn: Part 2 premiere after-party.

According to the report of E! Online, PETA was angered when the organizers of the after party included wolves as an attraction in the said event.

"Didn't it dawn on the Twilight event organizers that real wolves do not belong at a party with blaring music and flashing lights?" PETA told E! News.

"The wolves were provided by Hollywood Animals, a notorious exhibitor that has been cited for numerous violations of the Animal Welfare Act for repeatedly failing to provide the animals it exploits with basic veterinary care and proper shelter, space, food, and water. We hope the rest of the promotional events surrounding Breaking Dawn celebrates the brilliant work of the cast and crew and shows enough respect for wildlife to leave animals out of it," PETA added.

However, representatives of Summit Entertainment and Hollywood Animals has not yet release any comment on the issue.

The after party of the "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2" closes the lid on the fandom of Twilight. The final film adaptation of Twilight will arrive in theaters in two days. This finally ended the book-and-movie series that entranced many teens for seven years.

Others might see the film because they were intrigued by the Stewart-Pattinson cheating scandal. While others may be curious with the different ending that author Stephanie Meyer and screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg will offer the viewers.

The Part 2 of "Breaking Dawn" will pick up where the first part left off as Bella will become one of the Cullens and will do anything to protect her half-vampire, half-human daughter Reneesmee against the Volturi.