'Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered' multiplayer mode will bring back classic features of the game

“Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare” was first released for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PCs in 2007. Last month, game developer Raven held a demo for the remastered version of the game, which showed the return of some very classic features.
Multiplayer announcer
In a tweet posted by Raven Software’s lead designer Amos Hodge, it was confirmed that the original announcer for the multiplayer mode is returning for the remaster.
He added that the “Call Of Duty 4” announcer will be making the decisions in the game’s original modes. Whether or not the same voice will be heard for new modes is unclear at this point.
#MWRemastered will have the original MP announcer VO for the original modes.
— Amos Hodge (@wendellwobble) September 27, 2016
Hodge also confirmed that various weapons -- such as the Desert Eagle, RPD and M40A3 -- are getting an update with the remastered game. However, they will still sound very much like the original.
Raven has updated the sounds for the Barrett, DEgale, RPD, and M40A3 to more closely match the original. #MWRemastered
— Amos Hodge (@wendellwobble) September 15, 2016
Launch playlists
While there are plenty of new playlists that will arrive because of additional modes, Hodge shared that the original launch playlists will also be available for listening.
#MWRemastered will have all playlists that launched with MW1, plus additional ones.
— Amos Hodge (@wendellwobble) September 23, 2016
Another feature included in “Call Of Duty 4 Remastered” is strafe jumping.
Strafe jumping will make a return in #MWRemastered.
— Amos Hodge (@wendellwobble) September 21, 2016
Private matches will also have all create-a-class items unlocked from the beginning, which means players will have access to various weapons, attachments, perks and killstreaks.
All create-a-class items will be unlocked in private match. #MWRemastered
— Amos Hodge (@wendellwobble) September 25, 2016
“Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered” release
Raven Software is owned by Activision, which published the original game 9 years ago. It will release the remastered version of “Call Of Duty 4,” which is set to be launched exclusively with the premium editions of “Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare” later this year.
Individuals who have already purchased digital pre-orders of the premium editions will be able to start playing on Oct. 5. Meanwhile, the multiplayer mode goes live on Nov. 4. Activision has yet to announce whether or not “Call Of Duty 4” remastered will be available as a solo game.