Lt.-Col Hammond receives a hug from his daughters as the last of Canada's troops return home from Afghanistan to Edmonton Garrison
Lt.-Col Lee Hammond (R) receives a hug from his daughters Daria Hammond, 13, and Katie Hammond (rear, obscured) as the last of Canada's troops return home from Afghanistan to Edmonton Garrison March 18, 2014. REUTERS/Dan Riedlhuber

A Canadian man was shot in Barbados while he was on a holiday with his family. Jonathon Hubble was shot by masked robbers after they broke into Ms Hubble's vacation home in the Caribbean. If he is still alive now, it is only because of his wife Heather who performed first aid on her husband before the ambulance came an hour after he was shot.

Therer were four armed men. They entered the house with a pistol and a machete. The Hubbles were staying in the house together with relatives. When the masked men entered the house, their baby daughter was playing on the floor, while the rest of them were upstairs, CBC News reported.

Ms Hubbles, however, was near the door when they walked in. She instantly thought of making her daughter secure so she tried grabbing her daughter right away. The masked men asked her to stop. She was, nevertheless, allowed to pick her daughter up while her moves were closely watched by an armed man. Ms Hubbles gave them some cash. They took her iPhone and were about to leave.

In the meantime, Mr Hubbles saw one of the masked men while he was approaching the house from outside. He started shouting at him and asked him to leave. While he moves closer to the armed man, he eventually locked hands with the masked man. A couple of other men came toward him. One of them pointed a gun to his chest and fired. Ms Hubbles said that he knew he was shot, which felt like "a kick to the kidney".

It is no short of a miracle that the bullet travelled the entire body of Mr Hubbles from his chest to the tailbone without touching any of the major organs of his body. The extraordinary circumstances brought Mr Hubble even closer to his wife. Both the husband and the wife are in the Canadian Army. They have earlier served in Afghanistan. They are happy that their infant daughter was left unharmed.


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