Canberra Raiders' Sandor Earl cries foul on recent reports that he used peptides to help him recover from a shoulder injury during his tenure at Penrith in 2011, the veteran wingers said on Friday.

The 23-year old Earl said he was shocked to learn the allegations and is planning to file a defamation case against Channel Nine, which released a report on Thursday night about Earl's alleged use of peptides at a private clinic in Cabramatta without informing Penrith officials.

"I was shocked at the allegations raised last night and I absolutely deny any wrongdoing. My solicitors have already begun investigating defamation procedures," Earl said in a statement released by the Raiders on Friday.

The Raiders, who will likely start Earl to replace injured winger Edrick Lee in Saturday's clash against Penrith, have been cooperate in the ongoing investigation. Nevertheless, Raiders Chief Executive Officer Don Furner stressed they are going to wait on the findings of ASADA before making a statement over the matter.

"The NRL has made it clear that if ASADA brings forward evidence to issue an infraction notice then they will act immediately. That has not happened and we will not engage in any speculation before that - it is both unfair, improper and not an area I'd speculate on," Furner said in his statement.

Earl, who will to suit for France's rugby power Pau next season, has received mixed reactions from the rugby league community. Still, his teammates at Canberra, especially Joel Thompson, have remained supportive for the beleaguered winger.

''People are so quickly to judge before anything is proven... They need to remember innocent until proved guilty #alwaysstandbymymates,'' Thompson tweeted.