'Captain America: Civil War': Black Panther has a responsibility to his people; Tony's love interest to return

“Captain America: Civil War” cast member Chadwick Boseman teased some details about his character Black Panther in a recent interview. The actor explained the responsibilities on his character’s shoulders and also talked about Wakanda.
In an interview with Empire Magazine, the actor revealed that Black Panther is on a “political mission” in the forthcoming movie, WhatCulture reports. The actor revealed that his character is not on anyone’s side and just wants to “tame” the situation and “get it under control.”
The trailers of the movie show Black Panther fighting alongside Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), which suggests that he may be supporting the government bill that seeks to regulate superhero activity. As a prince of Wakanda, he may not want undue interference from superheroes or others in his country.
“T’Challa is a prince of Wakanda. All heroes have a weight on their shoulders, but there will eventually be a difference in what I have to carry politically and socially,” Boseman explained. Talking about Wakanda, the actor revealed that the identity of the nation was developed with the idea “what if Timbuktu hasn’t been conquered?”
Wakanda was only mentioned in “Avengers: Age of Ultron” as a nation in Africa where the fictitious metal vibranium can be found. Details about the country are expected to be explored in “Captain America: Civil War.” “It’s in the southern, central part of Africa. The attitude, the musicality, as is my preference of the character. It has to fit his dignity,” Boseman said.
The report also confirms that Tony’s love interest Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) will be returning in the movie. It is still not clear if the character will just make a cameo appearance or play a more substantial role in the movie.
Meanwhile, co-director Joe Russo teased that “Captain America: Civil War” will have a “very dramatic ending” that will be “controversial” for many people. The director teased that the events in the movie will have a “significant impact” on Marvel cinematic universe’s “psychology.”