America has spoken. Casey Anthony has been named as this year’s most hated person in the U.S., the Los Angeles Times reports.

Though she has been cleared from the murder of her 2-year-old daughter, Casey Anthony still topped the list f the most unwanted person in America.

This signifies, says the Los Angeles Times that America indeed, is a nation that ‘takes time to heal’.

A survey conducted by California-based E-Poll's E-Score Celebrity shows that 94% of the respondents feel strongly against the 25-year-old mom despite the acquittal last July. Of the respondents 53% signified that they know Casey Anthony and her story.

The Casey Anthony Saga has filled the living rooms of America and the world during its live trial, which paved the way for her freedom, clearing Anthony from charges implicating her of killing her own daughter, Caylee.

Joining Anthony in the list of the Most Hated Person Poll are Spencer Pratt (88% dislike rate); Nadya "Octomom" Suleman(87%); O.J. Simpson (85%); Jon Gosselin (79%); Levi Johnston (75%); Jesse James (71%); Paris Hilton (69%); Heidi Fleiss(69%); Howard Stern (68%).

Check out the photos of Casey Anthony during the trial. Please click START.