"Castle" Season 5 comes back from a short break with its fifth episode called "Probable Cause." In a teaser last week, ABC released a video showing 'cuffing Castle. Who is the murder victim, and how did the evidence lead to Castle?

Castle's latest episode is half-predictable. Fans would know what is going on a couple of minutes into the drama. Still, the writers did a fine job in exposing what or who was responsible for the obvious frame-up.

Spoiler alert: The following portion reveals minor details in the latest "Castle" episode.

Here are the highlights of 'Castle' Season 5, Episode 5: Probable Cause

- A woman who had been in a secret romantic relationship with a "rich, handsome and generous" man has been murdered.

- NYPD's gathered evidence reveals a trail that leads to Rick Castle. And worse, murder clues are found inside his apartment, too. Esposito brings out the handcuffs as Beckett tries to contain her emotions.

- It occurs to Castle that he is being framed. Everything becomes clear when the real killer shows up to mock him.

- Kate Beckett is an emotional mess. Castle could be a killer and a cheater. But she later realizes where she really stands. She's with Castle, of course. She vows to find out what is going on.

- Beckett tries to prepare her team - Esposito and Ryan - for what they might find when they search Castle's phone records. But they tell her she has no reason to worry.

- Esposito says he loves Castle. (Sweet!)

- Somebody who owed Castle a favor helps out to make things easier for Beckett and the team. They eventually come face-to-face with an old nemesis.

- Castle shows (again) that he's man enough to handle a gun - especially under pressure.

- Castle's name is cleared, but the nemesis is still out there. For now, they can breathe easy. Everyone acts cool on what they have found out.

Castle Season 5 Best Quotes

Here are some of the best quotes from this episode:

"He is an immature, egotistical, self-centered jackass sometimes. But he's not this." - Beckett

"All she said was he was every woman's fairytale: rich, handsome and generous." - Victim's friend

"I know how you feel about the guy. I love him too." - Esposito