Castle Season 5 finale is scheduled to air on May 13 (Monday), just about a month from now. Fans are already scouring the internet for spoilers. Series creator Andrew Marlowe has been generous (and mean) enough with teasers. He warned, "We're looking at a very emotional finale."

Speaking to TV Line, Marlowe said Cas-kett fans will be "dealing with something very explosive, personally." Slicing the statement, we get an explosion on a personal level.

Marlowe dished more scoop to GiveMeMyRemote:

"[Castle Season 5 finale will be] an emotionally charged episode. In the process of doing an investigation into a bombing, Beckett triggers a bomb and is put in a position where she can't move or the bomb is going to go off. It's a high- stakes, high-tension episode."

Some Castle viewers may have seen what Marlowe described in other drama series, like Grey's Anatomy. But you can bet things will be different with Beckett, who, a year ago, was almost suicidal in her efforts to find who murdered her mother. There are no more spoilers about the Season 5 finale, but Marlowe had more teasers for the show's avid viewers.

Marlowe went on to say that there will be some very serious questions in the season finale. Many Cas-kett shippers are wondering whether there will be a proposal, an engagement, or a wedding (or all three all at once) sometime in the near future for Castle and Beckett. Apparently, the characters are wondering the same thing.

"Are we moving forward? Are we not moving forward?" Marlowe explained the questions. "I think that we look to explore some of those questions which are very human, very natural questions at the point in the relationship where these two characters are."

What could be awaiting the avid viewers of this procedural romance series? It has been almost a year since Kate Beckett knocked on Rick Castle's door to drop three powerful words: "I want you." What line will resonate after Castle Season 5 finale is over?

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