"Castle" Season 6 began on a happy note. Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) accepted Rick Castle's (Nathan Fillion) marriage proposal, and she also accepted the Washington DC job offer. For Beckett, the first case as a federal agent involved saving Castle and finding the thief behind the stolen toxin chemical and its antidote. The love of her life had less than 24 hours to live.

Castle survived the deadline and came out of the fatal exposure to the toxin chemical, without any health complication. The promo of the third episode, "Need to Know," suggests that Castle is back to being Castle and is back to figuring out crime.

It looks like in the third episode of "Castle" Season 6, Beckett is back in her familiar territory, New York. Beckett is back as a federal agent and the promo indicates that, she is with her Washington DC mentor, McCord (Lisa Edelstein).

According to the preview of "Need to Know," Castle, Esposito (Jon Huertas) and Ryan (Seamus Dever), the investigating gang of the 12th precinct, are trying to solve the case of a dead, former child TV star. But, the Feds (Beckett + McCord) take over their case. The preview says, "Feds take over their (Castle + Esposito + Ryan) classroom."

McCord can be seen telling the three boys: "it's our case now." Castle, Esposito and Ryan aren't going to present away their case on their platter to the Feds and look for another, but interfering with a federal investigation may land the three in trouble.

Beckett tells Castle: "You're not going to Castle me on this one."

It will be fun watching Castle and Beckett in different teams and facing the repercussions because of that. We can bet that Caskett fans will enjoy the bickering between the two and also their tender moments.

Video Preview of "Castle" Season 6 Episode 3, "Need to Know":

[Source: Youtube.com/becklebee9nfsk3]