'Castle' Season 6, Episode 11, titled "Deep Cover" marks the return of the New York procedural dramedy to ABC in 2014. The second half of the season officially begins next week, and James Brolin is coming back to spice things up on the show. Stana Katic dishes some teasers and spoilers about Rick Castle's "dark" CIA dad. Watch Brolin fire a gun in ABC's sneak preview.

Spoiler alert: This feature contains spoilers on Castle Season 6, Episode 12. The second half initial offering is called, "Deep Cover." Watch the episode promo video below.

Castle Season 6 is anticipated to be the wedding season for Stana Katic's Kate Beckett and Nathan Fillion's Rick Castle. Of course the 'rents have to be there. So James Brolin reprises his role as Jackson Hunt in the next episode.

"The murder investigation of a video store clerk, who's also a high level hacker, leads Beckett and Castle straight to the mysterious Jackson Hunt," reads the TV.com synopsis for the Castle 6x12, aka Deep Cover episode.

According to TVGuide.com, part of James Brolin's requirements before agreeing to come back to ABC's Castle is a darker role.

"I wanted viewers to find out how deadly he is," Brolin was quoted as saying. So much for "like father, like son," then.

On the bright side, imagine Stana Katic in a wedding dress. Caskett fans could hardly wait for any news on the Castle-Beckett nuptials. Spoilers reveal Beckett will soon find a wedding dress. It happens on Castle Season 6, Episode 14, called, "Dressed to Kill."

Stana has also spoken about Brolin's Jackson Hunt. The future is not rainbows and unicorns between Beckett and her future father-in-law.

"[Beckett] has a big question about Jackson's true motives," Stana Katic told TVGuide.

There might be some flirting. And Beckett won't initiate it. Nathan Fillion has something to say about the manner by which Beckett will meet Jackson Hunt. Beckett does not learn right away that Hunt is Castle's dad.

"That introduction comes later and is far more awkward," Fillion said.

Castle Season 6, Episode 11 focused on the bromance between Javier Esposito (Jon Huertas) and Kevin Ryan (Seamus Dever). Ryan is now a dad, and if the child were a boy, he and wife Jenny (real life wife Juliana Dever) would have called the baby "Javier."

WATCH: Castle Season 6, Episode 12 Promo feat. James Brolin as Castle's Dad Jackson Hunt

Castle and Beckett move back to front and centre next week. Castle Season 6, Episode 12 is going to be another humour-and-action filled show with some dark toppings, courtesy of James Brolin. This episode airs on Jan. 13.

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