The episode 16 of "Castle" Season 6 is titled, "Room 147." It will be murder, as usual, but there is a twist when it comes to arresting the right suspect. The episode will feature multiple people ready to take the blame for this murder. It is the case of "one murder, too many killers."

According to ABC's official synopsis, "A guilt-ridden woman confesses to a murder, but contradictory evidence and a second confession complicate the case." The preview of the episode suggests that for the first time Castle has no theory to offer. A theory-less Castle is hard to imagine, but there is always a first time.


Many people, voluntarily, turning themselves in for the same crime is likely to add the element of intrigue to the episode. The revelation of the reason will be interesting, as well.

When it comes to preparing for their wedding, it seems that Castle and Beckett are taking one step at a time. In one of the previous episodes, a fashion magazine editor had sent Beckett a wedding gown, which Beckett had loved while substituting for a model. The last episode made Beckett and Castle discover a song, which might get played at their wedding.

In the previous episode of "Castle" Season 6, "Smells Like Teen Spirit," Castle and Beckett realised that they did not have a song. Also, the two discovered that they both never went to their school prom. The episode gave Castle and Beckett a chance to attend the prom and dance, together, like school sweethearts. Also, they find a song that they both love.


Castle said to Beckett: "Everything I've ever done, every choice I've ever made, every terrible and wonderful thing that's ever happened to me, it's all lead me to right here, this moment with you."

Caskett's song that they both have always loved: Andrew Belle and Erin McCarley's 'In My Veins." It is a perfect song for this couple.
