Kate Beckett, portrayed by Stana Katic, has been in the thick of things in the new season of ABC's crime drama series "Castle," which is quite normal for her. However, her engaged status and the new job at Washington D.C are providing new dimensions and conflict to Stana's character.

The Season 6 of "Castle" opened with Beckett accepting Rick Castle's (Nathan Fillion) marriage proposal. She also shifted to Washington D.C. to join Attorney General's office. The first two episodes of the new season put her in a precarious position, with Castle having less than 24 hours to live. They both survived the scare, which solidified their relationship. At the end of Episode 3 of "Castle" Season 6, Feds have fired her because she leaked the information of CIA's potential spy to the media. Beckett's intentions were good and admirable but Federal agents don't operate that way and she turned out to be a misfit.

In an interview with Good Morning America (GMA), Stana said that the marriage proposal was a big step for both her and Castle's character and they're "finally committed to each other."

"It'll be interesting to see how that trickles down to the rest of the group," Stana said to GMA. "Because I'm sure everyone has an opinion about weddings, dresses and things like that."

Stana had said to TV Line that she would like to see the lead-up to the wedding. "I'd like to see the complications of putting two families and all of their opinions together in one event. I think weddings are fabulous fodder for comedy, so I'd very much like to see that!"

According to Andrew Marlowe, creator of "Castle," the six season of "Castle" is the season of "complications." We believe weddings and the marriage status do provide the content for complications. Stana's interviews do indicate that there is a possibility of a wedding between Castle and Beckett in this season of "Castle."

Beckett has got the pink slip from the Feds and since she will be back in New York, all the troubles of a long distance relationship will also disappear.