'Castle' Season 7: Castle, Beckett Story to Get More Deeper
There was no fairytale Castle and Beckett's wedding in the season finale of "Castle" Season 6. The season wrapped-up with bride Beckett finding Castle's car in a ditch. The car was in flames and Castle was not around.
There is no doubt that Castle will surface, alive. Castle cannot die as he is the titular character. Andrew Marlow, creator of "Castle," reminded that to the fans in his interview with T.V. Guide. When asked if he can give some hope for Castle's survival, he said, "I think we know what the title of the show is."
But, the question a majority of Caskett fans are asking is why was there no wedding despite Castle and Beckett overcoming all the obstacles in the episode. Marlow said that this much loved couple has to face and overcome more obstacles to be together as a married couple.
"Castle" writing team is planning to give Castle and Beckett's relationship a much deeper meaning. Marlow said to TV Guide, "The story that we're telling with their relationship isn't over. It's going to get deeper. It's going to get more interesting, and there are still a couple of things that need to be overcome."
"If they continue their [fans] investment, it'll pay off. I do know that some fans will feel robbed, they'll feel betrayed. But hopefully they'll stay with us to see how we're going to resolve it," Marlow said.
Marlow did not reveal who was behind the steering wheel in the SUV that was following Castle's car. However, he feels that Castle's disappearance in season finale has some interesting answers.
The Season 6 of "Castle" also provided a closure to the murder case of Beckett mother. Since this major "Castle" story-arc has wrapped-up, fan can expect to see the opening of a new mythology in Season 7. "...we're looking to open up new mythology, to bring in some new elements that we think will give the characters plenty to talk about," Marlow said to T.V Guide. He also confirmed that whoever was driving the black SUV is likely to have a connection to the new mythology.
Marlow believes that there is a happy ending for Caskett and Beckett. "They've had a great deal of happiness over the last several seasons, and I think that there is more to come." However, there will complications, as well.
Caskett and Beckett will get married but there is still some story-telling to be done before that, according to Marlow.