‘Castle’ Season 7 Episode 12 Spoilers: Watch Rick Castle, Kate Beckett Share A Passionate Kiss [VIDEO]

Rick Castle and Kate Beckett will be seen investigating the murder of a young Latin telenovela actress in episode 12 of "Castle" Season 7, which is titled "Private Eye Caramba!" The episode's sneak peek features Caskett's hot, passionate kiss.
The previous episode revealed that Castle has worked hard to get his private investigator license. As he cannot be part of 12th precinct anymore, he has got himself a new office. Castle still cannot work with Beckett but this does not mean that their professional partnership has come to an end. The last episode showed how these two will continue to solve cases together, even though they will not be officially working as a team.
In "Castle, P.I.," Castle did not have a client and in the upcoming new episode, he will get his first real client. "Private Eye Caramba!" will see the victim's co-star, described as a "sultry star," hire Castle to "pursue the case from another angle," according to the synopsis of the episode. The case has been described as "flamboyant and full of intrigue as any telenovela." "One Life to Live" alum Kamar de los Reyes is set to make an appearance in this episode. According to TV Line's report, Reyes' character will be at the receiving end of a "sudsy slap." The preview of the episode says that Castle's first case as a private investigator could be his last, too. He seems to have landed in trouble, with Beckett and Co not around to save him.
The sneak peek shows Beckett arriving at Castle's office. He seems to be burning the proverbial midnight oil. Beckett is seen asking if he is ready to get out of there and call it a night. This prompts Castle to transform into a cheesy hero from a telenovela and Beckett, too, joins him in the act. Beckett is seen saying, "I'm just girl, looking for a private dick." This leads to Castle and Beckett kissing each other, passionately. The arrival of Castle's client puts a stop to this sexy, passionate moment.
[Youtube/Becklebee CastleVitalScenes S7]
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