Cat survives scalding water thrown by a Chicago teen

Chicago Police had arrested 18-year-old Leon Teague of South King Drive for throwing scalding water on a male cat. Teague was held without bail on Friday in Cook County Central Bond Court and would be charged with felony animal torture and misdemeanor count of animal cruel depiction.
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The black-and-white cat fortunately survived the torture and is now in a city shelter and would be transferred to another shelter on Monday, according to Heather Weidmann, a construction worker with a history of rescuing cats. On Friday, Weidmann and her friend Melissa Belice searched for the tabby after she saw a video on Facebook of the cat from South Side scalded with boiling water.
The two cat rescuers found the cat which had singed fur and burns on the body. Although the cat is scabbing because of the hot water, it is very friendly and in great spirits, describes Weidmann, reports The Washington Post.
The suspect, when police came to his house on Friday, even dared the authorities to arrest him. Teague told the police that he uses the name Glock Boy MurDoc on Facebook, but insisted that people come and go of his apartment all the time. The video, which did not show who was holding the pot of boiling water, led to a search in North Carolina after a 17-year-old boy downloaded and reposted the clip.
The cat was spotted by police near Teague’s apartment earlier this week, but they failed to capture it. But when Weidmann and Belice returned on Friday night at an alley behind Teague’s house, they saw it. Together with police and officers of the Chicago Animal Care and Control whom they contacted, they set and trap and caught the cat.
On Monday, Weidmann, who would meet with police, would bring the tabby to the Felines and Canines animal shelter in Edgewater, reports the Chicago Tribune.