Ever since Tarsem Singh, director of "The Fall" and "The Cell," was announced to direct a version of Snow White, fans of his work have been looking forward to seeing the trailer. And with some luck, the trailer for "Mirror, Mirror" coincided with the release of another Snow White based film, Rupert Sanders' "Snow White and The Huntsman." While both films seem to be a fresh take on a classic, the former is much more comedic and the latter shows some grit and a whole lot of action.

That being said, "Mirror, Mirror" which stars Lily Collins as Snow White, Julia Roberts as the queen and Armie Hammer as the prince (in a stroke of perfect typecasting) is so very charming. The trailer shows off the comedic chops of Julia Roberts, whose comic timing is equal parts malevolent and endearing. One has to laugh when she explains that Snow White's skin is so white because the girl is only 18 and she's never been out in the sun. Everything from the production to the effects creates a wonderful fantasy and the costumes are also tremendous. One such outfit is literally breathtaking in that it takes a few tries before the corset is fitted unto the queen ("I knew I was the same size," quips Roberts after hustling herself into the contraption).

Tarsem's Snow White, not unlike Sanders', isn't one to just fall into the trap of the shiny, red apple. In fact she's working towards reversing the roles of princess and prince. This Snow White (as well as her ever loyal dwarves) are bandits and knows her way around a sword. Indeed, beneath her raven (not black!) hair, this princess is all but dim witted. She fights, she struggles and she looks stunning in both dresses and breeches. One has to wonder, which Snow White will dominate the box office?

Watch the Trailer