Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas reunited earlier this year, however, the couple is still understood to be undergoing trouble. As per the reports, Douglas recently had a life changing tongue and throat cancer surgery. For his ailment, Douglas had implied that it was because of Jones that he got the disease as the latter is alleged to be HPV positive.

Jones is addicted to smoking as per the National Enquirer Magazine reports and this is said to be creating marital issues between the couple.

Jones is having hard time quitting cigarettes but has quit drinking as per the reports. Moreover, it is also been suggested that Jones alleged mental problems are in check but Michael has reasons to worry as he does not want Jones to undergo throat and tongue cancer.

The couple has two kids together, namely Dylan, 13, and Carys, 11 and in spite of the alleged marital problems he recently suggested in an interview that his parenting skills have improved with age.

"Being an older dad has benefits. I don't know many parents my age who've got kids this age. I don't say you have to go to my extreme, but there's nothing wrong with guys having kids in their 50s," Douglas said as per Belfast Telegraph.

"In the early stages of one's life, ambition rules. Having children takes a lot of time to do properly, and I think sometimes people spread themselves too thin," he further said.

Furthermore, Douglas is also having issues with his elder son Cameron Douglas. Cameron is Douglas' son from his previous wife Diandra Luker. Cameron is understood to be suffering from drug problems. He is currently in prison for the charges of drug dealing and possession.

"If you suspect your kids need help, take action immediately," suggested Douglas as an advice to other parents, adding, "If you're talking about drug issues, you do whatever you can before they turn 18. Whatever it takes. Don't hesitate."

"After they turn 18, you have no control anymore. However difficult it might be, if it looks to be a real issue, then you almost have to go for overkill," added the actor.

There is no confirmation to Douglas and Jones' marital issues.