Virgin Blue Holdings Ltd's (ASX: VBA) Keith Neate today stepped down as the company's chief financial officer.

After more than seven years in aviation, Mr Neate has cited personal reasons for moving on.

"The aviation industry is relentless and whilst I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the role I am ready to give some time back to my family before pursuing other opportunities," he said in a letter to the board and CEO.

"I believe the group is tremendously well positioned to deliver on its strategy and prosper under John's strategic direction," said Mr Neate.

John Borghetti stated, "I would personally like to thank Keith for his commitment and contribution to Virgin Blue throughout his time with the Group.

"Keith has played an integral role in the management of the company, successfully steering it through some extremely difficult times including most recently the global financial crisis. I wish him well in his future endeavours and would like to thank him for agreeing to stay on to ensure a seamless handover."

Mr Neate will continue in his role until March 31 next year.