In case you haven’t heard, “Dead Giveaway” isn’t just a phrase anymore, it’s a song. Ohio abduction hero Charles Ramsey’s famous quote has been turned into an auto-tune remix, and he loves it!

The catchy tune currently has over 4 million views on YouTube. It is by The Gregory Brothers, the same guys who auto-tuned Antoine Dodson’s “Intruder Alert” video nearly three years ago.

Ramsey, whose animated interview about the incidents leading to his rescue of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight became viral online as well, said he loves his auto-tune remix.

“I couldn’t have ever done something like that,” he told TMZ. “I’m gonna bump it like I’m Tupac!”

And it looks like that he really knows a thing or two about music.

The Cleveland dishwasher also said that he’s managing a local rapper named Mike Feez, helping him promote his upcoming song titled “Dance Lyke U Humpin.”

The auto-tuned remix of Ramsey’s interview:

Here’s another version of the song:

Meanwhile, as the world celebrates Ramsey’s heroic feat, the media uncovers his less than gallant past.

The Smoking Gun reported that he had served time in jail for domestic violence in the late 1990s. He served time in prison for three separate incidents from 1997 to 2003 involving his ex-wife.

“I’ve made amends with the people involved and we’ve all moved on and grown up,” he told TMZ that he isn’t ashamed that the media have discovered his less than honourable past. Those incidents helped me become the man I am today and are the reason why I try to help the community as much as I can... including those women.

“If I had so much hatred for women, I would have minded my own business this week and walked away instead of risking my life to save someone else.”

His ex-wife said that he eventually apologised to her, and that they are now on an “okay basis.”