Reese Witherspoon is pregnant and Charlize Theron, who stars in "Snow White and the Huntsman" along with Kristen Stewart, has just adopted a baby boy. Both the events are making news. While Reese's pregnancy is being received with joy and praise for the 36 year old star, Theron's adoption had been met with a somewhat here-goes-another-celeb-adopting-an-African-American-baby kind of reaction.

Theron follows a list of celebrities who've adopted babies of another or mixed race, especially African-American ones. But, is that wrong? Not really. If the child is getting a loving parent instead of languishing in some home, what could be wrong about that?

Yes, there is the whole race factor and the feeling of being disconnected from their roots, but it's not something that can't be managed. There are examples to prove both sides of this theory about adopting babies who match the parents' race.

Let's take a look at the celebs who adopted inter-racial kids, and never regretted it. Click "START" to view the slideshow.