A heartwarming tale of a 24 year old reporter diagnosed with cancer. The plot of "Chasing Life" is not just about a person's struggle through cancer but a more complicated story about juggling the issues of personal life coupled with the office pressures. Spoilers ahead.

The protagonist of "Chasing Life" is April, a young and budding journalist working for a hard task master. After the loss of her father things seem to finally be getting better, her mother wants to start dating again and joins a dating Web site and her grandmother is seen taking a jog.

April goes out on a date with a co-worker who she had a crush on and they both share their first kiss. Within minutes of her date however April finds out that she has cancer from her uncle George.

"Chasing Life" Episode 1 begins with a focus on April's job as a reporter; she has to get an interview from a celebrity baseball player. April runs down to the hospital where the baseball star has promised to speak to the donors in a blood donation drive.

April decides to donate blood and gets the help for her uncle, who is a doctor in the same hospital, to help her get past security and the long line of donors. The baseball player finds out that she is a reporter and was about to have her leave, when all of a sudden she faints.

April gets the interview and gets noticed by her boss at the work place. Her uncle, George, at the hospital decides to run a few tests and finds out that she has cancer. The news comes as a shock to the 24 year old cheerful April.

"Chasing Life" takes the viewers on an emotional rollercoaster ride with love and fireworks one second and misunderstandings and heartache the next. April chooses not to disclose her illness to any of her friends or family.

April's younger sister is also in need of some guidance when it comes to dating and guys. Her sister calls her after getting drunk at a party where her date leaves her with a friend. April has to be supportive of her mother and be strong for her sister at the same time take up her job with enthusiasm. April is "Chasing Life."

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