A ‘Cheap Stunt’ – Obama on Ellen’s Viral Oscar Selfie
U.S. President Barack Obama appears on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" by satellite video link from the White House in this March 20, 2014 handout photo by Warner Bros. Obama took the opportunity to plug Obamacare, talk "House of Cards" and "Scandal" and discuss his response should his daughters ever get a tattoo. REUTERS/Michael Rozman/Warner Bros./Handout via Reuters Reuters

President Barack Obama was on Ellen DeGeneres show and spoke on a whole range of issues including raising two teenage daughters. Ellen could not resist bragging about her viral Oscar selfie, which broke the President's retweet record. It was a "pretty cheap stunt" he quipped.

The record for the most retweeted photo was held by President Barack Obama. The photo was that of the president along with the First Lady just after winning the 2012 reelection. The caption of the viral photo read - Four more years.

Ellen was able to beat that record by posing for a selfie along with Hollywood celebrities in the background. The photo went viral on twitter and quickly became the most retweeted photo replacing the president's 2012 picture at the top.

Calling the photo a "pretty cheap stunt" Obama hinted that the reason the photo went viral was because of the celebrities in the background. He also jokingly added that Ellen and ordered pizza for the celebrities at the Oscars.

The light hearted discussion covered a range of topics including the TV shows "House of Cards" and "Scandal." Ellen also asked the president about raising his two teenage daughters and addressed him as "Michelle's husband" in the interview.

Michelle Obama is currently on a trip to China and according to the president she will be meeting with the students there and may be invite some of them back to the U.S. She is accompanied by her daughters for the week long trip.

Ellen asked the president about the tattoo rule that he has for his daughters. According to the rule the girls can get any tattoo but Obama and Michell would also get the same tattoos in the same place and post it for everyone to see.

The president hopes that this rule will act as a strong deterrent for the girls to get tattoos. By placing this rule he said he hoped to reduce the cool factor in getting tattoos. Ellen hoped however that the girls get the tattoos to which Obama invited her to be a part of it and get a tattoo if that happens, to which Ellen readily agreed. The photo if ever posted is sure to go viral.

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