A 9-year-old girl recently gave birth to a baby girl in Jalisco, Mexico as the father, 17, is now being chased by the cops. She, however, is not the youngest mum-child as a 5-year-old gave birth in Peru back in 1939.

Both mother and child were reportedly safe and healthy and were able to go home afterwards. Meanwhile, Mexican authorities are on the lookout for the baby's 17-year-old father for questioning.

The "boyfriend" apparently ran off 2 months ago after Dafne refused to move in with him.

According to a spokesperson from the Jalisco State Prosecutor's Office, the boyfriend may be criminally charged for having a sexual relationship with Dafne, and although she claims that they were in "loving relationship" and due to her extremely young age, charges of rape or child sex abuse could also be possible.

Dafne was reportedly unaware of the pregnancy, however, and was into her seventh month when the boyfriend suggested Dafne move in with him and raise the child together but she refused, and it was at this point that the boyfriend decided to leave town.

According to the spokesperson, Dafne, is one of 11 children living in a poverty-stricken neighborhood in Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos, 25 miles south of Guadalajara. Her parents were working all day and were unaware of what was happening.

Although a girl giving birth at 9 years of age may be shocking, she’s not the first or the youngest girl to have ever become a mother.

Younger Girls Giving Birth

In 1939, a girl by the name of Lina Medina, from Peru, is listed in the medical history books as being the youngest person to ever give birth at 5½ years of age. Her parents initially thought that her swelling abdomen was because of a tumor, doctors would later confirm that she was instead pregnant.

Lina eventually delivered a 6-lb baby boy via C-section. After Lina’s father was initially arrested for incest, he was later released for lack of evidence, and the identity of the baby boy’s biological father would never be revealed.

Another sad incident comes from Yelizaveta Gryshchenko of Kharkov, Ukraine. In 1934, Yelizaveta gave birth naturally to a baby girl who died during labor. Unfortunately, Yelizaveta’s parents did not opt for a C-section, which was considered dangerous at the time. The baby girl was reportedly of good constitution and would have survived had she been given the proper medical attention. Yelizaveta was allegedly impregnated by her 69-year-old maternal grandfather.

In Australia, the youngest recorded birth comes from an 11-year-old Victorian girl, who gave birth in 2010. A 30-year-old man, a family friend, was arrested for the rape and child abuse. The man, who was of North Asian origin, later pleaded guilty to charges of persistent sexual abuse of a minor and child stealing, and told authorities that in his cultural background “there were no restrictions on age” for a relationship. He was sentenced to 10 years of prison.