Now that Dave Batista has found a movie career after featuring in the ensemble cast of the box office summer hit Guardians of Galaxy, many are wondering if he will ever consider a comeback to his first love - wrestling.

The former six-time WWE heavyweight champion of the world abruptly retired earlier this year to focus on his commitments with the movie. He spent most of his time promoting the flick with his co-stars and touring the world. His contract has been recently restructured to appear in more Marvel movies, but still he insists that he still wants to enter the ring.

Chris Jericho relates that Batista told him the latest update: "I hope so...I want to go back, I miss it. I love it (but) they need to work with me on creative, you know creative stuff man. You know I really want...I'd like to have more creative control."

Creative control is something he really needs after having a disgraceful exit in Royal Rumble 2014. In just six days after his comeback, he was already being booed out of the building. The plan is to bring back the charisma that endeared him to the fans and no better way to do that than to go up against one of the original villains of WWE - Triple H. The nearest date to do that is Wrestlemania 31.

Yes, 2015 will be the ideal year given that his movie plate is not yet full right now. Potentially, he only has the Guardians sequel and Avengers 3 on the horizon. A Kickboxer remake is in the talks, but shooting will not commence until summer next year, so he has a clean schedule to come back.

It would be fun to incorporate a ten year anniversary angle on the Triple H fight, a remarkable date in WWE when Batista captured the world heavyweight championship at Wrestlemania 21. It would be fun to have two old-timers square off and open up the possibility of future matches with other future WWE returns such as Brock Lesnar or Sting.

Cageside Seats also confirm the possibility of Batista's return saying that "the idea of his returning is still in play, but it's also at least a possibility, and maybe a strong one, that he doesn't come back and if he does, it's only going to be for one final match."

It would be fun to see these vintage fighters taking one tour of duty in the ring for old time and love's sake.