Source: NBC News

Christopher Lane, the Australia native catcher for East Central University was visiting girlfriend Sarah Harper when he was gunned down Tuesday by three teens allegedly bored and have nothing fun to do except kill people randomly, according to Associated Press.

Since then, everyone was attuned to the details of the case, especially in the racial undertones of the incident, such that the views and feelings of his long time girlfriend were set aside.

On Friday, Aug 23, Sarah Harper shares her feelings and thoughts on NBC News on the passing of her boyfriend.

Sarah Harper says that her "stomach just dropped" when police told her what happened. "My heart just broke right there because I knew there had been a drive-by [shooting]," Sarah Harper told NBC News.

"And then I asked if he was OK and [the policeman] shook his head 'No,' and told me he had been shot and I asked, 'Is he OK?' and he said, 'No, he's passed.'"

"He had done more things in his life than I ever thought I could even imagine doing. He's traveled so many places, he's seen so many things," Harper said. "He's already so worldly at 22 years old but yet he still had dreams to go and see everything and be everywhere and know everything."

In her interview with NBC, Harper also shared her thoughts on the accused shooters, Chancey Allen Luna, 16; and James Francis Edwards Jr., 15; and Michael Dewayne Jones, 17, of Duncan.

"I have nothing to say to them. They have no remorse and no compassion and no motive so I have no time," Harper said. "I have no intention of being around them, being in their presence. They are not worth my effort."

Lane's family in Australia is already attending to funeral arrangements, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.