‘Clash of Clans’ latest news and update: Teasers tease but do not reveal; Fans frustrated

Supercell’s way of teasing the big fat free “Clash of Clans” update is failing to strike any chord. This is because the teaser videos the company is sharing on its YouTube channel reveal too little to spark any excitement among fans.
“Captain Log’s Day 2” and three teasers are also out, but even after watching them, fans are totally clueless as to what the big free update will be about. “Captain's Log Day 3: Passing Time” only shows the blue ocean and a nearly silent Hog Rider. That’s all! No wonder fans are frustrated and are taking to various gaming forums and Reddit to vent out their frustration. Supercell is known to tease fans prior to big updates. However this time, it’s not doing the game any favours.
Of course, there will be fans who will try and find the minutest of clues from these teaser videos shared below. Already three teasers have been released, and still, fans are clueless as to what lies beyond the shores, writes TouchArcade. “Captain Log’s Day 2” is called “New Friends.” The teaser video is all about how Hog Rider is thinking of making a lot of friends once he and the rest reach the shores. He is desperate in making some Skeleton friends. That’s pretty much it. The lack of substance in the teasers is really frustrating.
Ironically, they are called teasers, and they are probably being successful in their mission of just teasing and not revealing. Thus, fans should not really expect sneak peeks they have grown used to before updates. This is a new tactic adopted by the developer. There are rumours that “Clash of Clans” players will be treated to new types of alliances and also combos. The upcoming update is also rumoured to allow players to manage a second in-game village, which if true, will be a massive new feature.
Recently, an image was shared on Twitter by a fan that shows what a fixed ship could look like for users. While some believe it was an imaged leaked by Supercell, others say it’s fake, as the colours do not match up correctly. There is yet another user-generated image shared on the same networking platform showing what may lie on the other side of the ocean for players. Stay tuned on IBT AU for more updates on “Clash of Clans.” [READ MORE: ‘Clash of Clans’ update, theories and teasers: Hog Rider and what lies on the other side of the ocean]
Source: YouTube/Clash of Clans
Source: YouTube/Clash of Clans