According to leaked information to news agency Al Jazeera, a commissioned report to ascertain whether Osama bin Laden’s presence in Pakistan for a decade was a result of negligence or collusion has found gross mishandling in bringing the September 11th master-mind to justice.

However, the head of the commission, Javed Iqbal, told Pakistani Dunya TV that the leaked information from the report did not include any of the findings of the inquiry and was based on assumptions.

"How the entire neighbourhood, local officials, police and security and intelligence officials all missed the size, the strange shape, the barbed wire, the lack of cars and visitors etc over a period of nearly six years beggars belief," the BBC News reports.

Bin Laden was captured and killed by the U.S. forces in May 2011. This objective has been described as a ‘criminal act of murder’ by the U.S. president, says the report.

The report described Pakistan’s dismissal of U.S. intelligence revealing bin Laden’s presence in the Abbottabad compound as ‘government implosion syndrome.’ A Navy Seal operation that carried out operations leading to the end of a struggle with ‘terror’ left Pakistan humiliated.
The report’s content was undisclosed until Al Jazeera published them on Monday.

"Culpable negligence and incompetence at almost all levels of government can more or less be conclusively established by the testimonies of witnesses," the Agence France Presse quoted the report as stating.

Pakistan’s decision to close the file on the Al Queda leader Khalid Sheikh Muhammed after arresting him in 2003, showed the Inter Services Intelligence agency’s “ lack of commitment to eradicating organised extremism, ignorance and violence which is the single biggest threat to Pakistan", filed the commission.