Google's Nexus 4, it turns out, has a hidden LTE chip and it can be easily activated with bits of digging. Users of this Android smartphone in selected U.S. and Canadian locations are bound to enjoy super-fast wireless broadband connection without mustering any hacking skills.

But first they need to ensure that they have these AWS bandwidths, 1700MHz and 2100MHz. to actually access LTE via the handset.

Thanks to the hardworking guys at XDA Developers, LTE on Nexus 4 is easily configured by following these simple steps:

To start off, pull up the Nexus 4's phone dialler and key in this combination: *--4636--*. This serves as a shortcut to directly access the device's exact control panel for network setting. If your plan is to use LTE whenever possible, TechCrunch recommends downloading the Phone Info app from Google Play.

This tool simplifies the task of resetting your network settings in fewer taps.

Once inside the Phone Info panel. Look for the drop-down tab labelled Preferred Network Type. Normally, its default setting is WCDMA preferred, that is if your location connects automatically on 3G network or if your phone is not LTE capable.

You would want to change this into LTE Only, which commands your Nexus 4 to search and access available connection on the high-speed network. Note that leaving it in automatic mode, allowing the phone to determine the best connection available for you, will usually point you to HDSPA+ access point.

Next step would bring you a little deeper into the Settings Menu to tweak your APN Settings. Follow this route to get into this window: Settings>Mobile Networks>Access Point Names. In there, you will need to key in info relative to your service provider. For more details on this, head to this link:

Once all the tinkering is completed, your Nexus 4 is expected to disconnect from its previous access point and take in LTE. Get the Speedtest app to check the actual improvement of your phone's internet speed.

Take note though that this Nexus 4 feature is unauthorised as far as Google is concerned so even if your location is listed by blog sites as accessible to LTE there is no assurance you'll actually connect to the network. And in the event you are successful, it's highly likely that you'll experience shorter battery time.

Remember, your phone is not designed for LTE so the power drains faster when connected with this energy-gobbling network. If this proves problematic, you can always revert to the old network settings, TechCrunch said, by retracing the tweaks you performed earlier.