'The Conjuring', one of biggest box office hits is a spine-chilling movie revolving around paranormal phenomena based on a true story. In the movie, the Perron family called in for the help two paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren (played by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga), after experiencing repeated paranormal havoc in their new farmhouse.

Let us find out about the authenticity of the story that how much of this story is actually true.

Farmiga and Patrick Wilson play the Warrens as conservative people with a extremely bizarre job as they investigate a 1971 incident in which a family was being troubled by spiteful paranormal forces in their new home Rhode Island

With Farmiga's clairvoyant Lorraine playing a pivotal role in the movie, "The Conjuring" is based on the case-files of Ed and Lorraine Warren, the married team of Catholic researchers into paranormal phenomena, who were asked to deal with the real life"Amityville Horror" case in 1976. (Lily Taylor and Ron Livingston played the plagued couple).

Farmiga and Wilson visited the place for one day as part of research work so that they can justify their character portrayal in the movie.

"I just wanted to study how to portray clairvoyance, and I finally took an ocular approach. She has these beautiful blue eyes and her gaze is gently penetrating. All the obvious stuff about her you can find online but I wanted more of the nitty-gritty, like how did it affect her sex life? If you're domestic ball buster by day and a ghost buster by night, how does that affect your home life? I opted not to go down to their museum of the occult that they maintain in the basement, Patrick and I both. We stayed upstairs." Farmiga said

But how much of this horror movie is actually true?

The real Andrea Perron, says the movie is a "fair reflection" of the events that took place at her old Rhode Island farmhouse. Andrea Perron penned down her experiences growing up on the farm in the three parts book called "House of Darkness, House of Light." Andrea Perron, now 54, says the film is "a beautiful tapestry" with "many elements of truth to it, and some moments of fiction."

She wrote to Herner Klenthur; to share a very small bit of detail on the film;

Dear Herner ~

On behalf of my entire family, thank you for the fine and balanced reporting in this article. For the purpose of clarification, "The Conjuring" IS based on a "true story"...our story. However, the film is not based on my trilogy "House of Darkness House of Light". It is, instead, based upon the case files of Ed & Lorraine Warren.

They conducted an investigation of our home between 1973-74 and the movie tells our story from their perspective.

I welcome the inclusion of the video which involves my mother, as it introduces your readers to her in a way which will enhance their appreciation of the film. There is no conceivable way to condense what we as a family endured in the farmhouse into a two-hour motion picture but James (Wan) captured the essence of it and for this I will remain eternally grateful. I'll tell you what's scary - turning your life story over to strangers with the stroke of a pen on a contract. Mortified by the notion, I took the ultimate leap of faith.

Though Mrs. Warren and I both provided the studio with more information than they could handle, the screenwriters had much to pick & choose from, amalgamating it into a cohesive rendering which I am proud of, having been privileged to see it as a private screening last March. The film is amazing and nothing anyone expects. It is a fair reflection of the chaos and danger we faced at the farm. The entire true story is chronicled in the books but the movie stands alone as a work of art - not fiction.

There are liberties taken and a few discrepancies but overall, it is what it claims to be - based on a true story, believe it or not. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions or comments and once again, thank you for your fair and consistent treatment in this piece. Yours in spirit ~ Andrea

Don't forget to Checkout a 45 minute video which Andrea Perron uploaded to Youtube

It is a enthralling to watch the actual farm and the people who stayed there and who residing there nowadays. Andrea Perron revisited the farm and talked with the new landlord about their own paranormal experiences.

Perron also gave their input on the accuracy of the events depicted in the movie in a recent interview with USA Today. You can read interview here

Watch Larraine Warren On Set interview:

Perron said that there were in reality many spirits that resided in the farmhouse, including some resentful ones like the spirit portrayed in the movie. Perron said that they were meant to endure their repeated paranormal experiences and share the proceedings with the entire world that is why her family didn't move out.

And they actually did share the experience with the entire world. We are all now familiar with Perron family's paranormal experiences and loved watching "The Conjuring."