Connective has promised service will be at the core of its white label offering, to be launched early in the new financial year in partnership with National Mortgage Company.

The aggregator recently hired former Liberty Financial head of commercial lending Michael Goerner as head of sales and business development to help develop its white label product. It has announced its partnership with NMC, which the company says will provide service delivery. The product is to be initially funded by ING Direct and Adelaide Bank. Goerner said the partnership with NMC represented a deliberate move to separate the service strategy for the product from the funder.

"Based on the clear and consistent feedback of our network, the key consideration in choosing a distribution partner was that the quality of service delivery is paramount. By partnering with NMC, we have achieved our key aim of decoupling the service delivery from the funder," Goerner said.

The structure of the arrangement will enable the aggregator to add additional or alternative funding sources to its white label offering, Goerner commented.

Connective principal Mark Haron has told Australian BrokerNews the product will focus on allowing brokers to control their customers' service experience.

"From Connectives perspective our white label program will enable our brokers to build their customer base more securely and if they want, offer other services and products," Haron said.

Haron commented that the strength of white label products is in their ability to create sticky customers for brokers, and enable brokers to offer other services and products to their clients.

"Rates are probably not a white label strong suit, it is more about great and consistent service, and more control of the ownership of your client and the ongoing trail commissions. For Connective it is about allowing our brokers to provide their clients with greater service," he remarked.

Though Haron has commented that service delivery will be the key proposition of the product, Goerner said the white label's rates will be competitive. He said the loan will also deliver flexibility, and will provide construction options including a "seamless" progress draw process.

Connective will pilot the product with a select group of brokers during June and July, and is planning a full launch for the beginning of August.