Note from the Editor: Due to an error, a story was yesterday published on the FNArena website, titled "Lamp Going Out For Lynas?". The story in question was at that time still a work in progress and should have not been published as it was. FNArena apologizes for the error made and for any inconvenience or confusion caused by it.

Today, we publish the story as was intended, though we feel compelled following the error made yesterday, to add the label "Correction" to it, including this editorial note to explain what happened. We will review our internal processes to avoid such errors from happening again.

On the other hand, anyone with a personal interest in Lynas should bear in mind the views expressed in this story are derived from a research report released by New York based mining researchers Hallgarten & Co. As an independent media company, FNArena does not by definition (or by association) share the views and opinions expressed by the experts that feature in FNArena stories and reports. This applies to specific reports such as The Australian Broker Call, as well as to other regular and spontaneous stories, analyses and reports published by FNArena.