- Genetically engineered organisms can potentially make the US energy independent within ten years

- Joule Unlimited, not listed at this stage, is one pioneer in the field, and confident

By Steve McDonald, Investment U Analyst Friday, March 4, 2011

A genetically engineered organism that could make us energy independent? Joule Unlimited has invented one, which literally secretes diesel fuel and ethanol. The Cambridge, Mass.-based company says it can manipulate the organism to produce renewable fuels on demand at unprecedented rates and can do it at costs comparable to the cheapest fossil fuels. How does $30 per barrel of diesel fuel sound?

A Joule spokesman said, “If we’re only half right, this revolutionizes the world’s largest industry, oil and gas. And if we’re totally right, there’s no reason why this technology can’t change the world.”

The key to Joule’s organism is that all the waste from ethanol and algae fuels (the “middle man of biofuels ” as they call it) is eliminated. Joule says its organisms secrete a completed product and it lives on carbon dioxide and water. Joule claims that its cyanobacterium can produce 15,000 gallons of diesel fuel per acre annually – over four times more efficient than other forms. The good news: They expect to be operating commercially in just two years. The bad news: They aren’t public yet. But keep this on your screen, as you’ll hear a lot more about this and other companies like it.

No U.S. Oil Imports in 10 Years?

How’s this for a game-changing idea? The Yale Graduates Energy Study Group has issued a report that says we can cut off all imported oil to the United States (except from Canada) over a 10-year period. The “Yalies” say it would cause a loss of about US$40 billion… but generate as much as US$227 billion in gains by selling more domestic energy products. It would also reduce the cost of distribution, expand domestic oil development and production and spur the creation of alternative fuels. Sounds almost too good to be true.

The “Slap in the Face” Award: The Pot Man Cometh

This week, it goes to an entrepreneur in the San Francisco area who has a company called the Canny Bus. “Canny” is short for cannabis and this guy delivers marijuana to patients (you have to call them “patients” in California so it’s legal). Mr. Abad’s slogan for the Canny Bus? “Break free with medical marijuana.” It’s also apparently a non-profit enterprise by the way. A non-profit pot delivery service – right!

However, it seems Mr. Abad, the owner, has just had a world of problems with his logo, of all things. It seems Volkswagen doesn’t want a depiction of a cannabis leaf on their VW bus. To quote Mr. Abad, “You do everything you’re supposed to and then the feds pop up.” He’s maneuvered around the logo issue by using an image of a Greyhound bus for his logo. But according to Canny Bus, it’s lost the 1960s and 1970s feel of the iconic “Hippie-mobile.” But fear not… his patients haven’t had to suffer during his legal problems. They’ve been “breaking free” medically, according to their doctor’s orders – and despite those pesky feds. Right!

Good investing,

Steve McDonald

Reprinted with permission of the publisher. The above story can be read on the website www.investmentU.com. The direct link is: http://www.investmentu.com/2011/March/an-oil-and-energy-independent-america.html

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