Courtney Love claims that she wrote the note found in Kurt Cobain’s wallet. The note, which calls the Hole singer a “b**** with zits,” was actually a playful jibe between husband and wife, rather than a mocking of the couple’s wedding vows.

In late April, CBS ran an article that featured a newly released screenshot of the note the Seattle Police Department found in the Nirvana frontman’s wallet on the day he died in 1994.

The note, which wasn’t shown in its entirety, reads: “Do you Kurt Cobain take Courtney Michelle Love to be your lawful shredded wife even when she’s a bi*** with zits and siphoning all yr money for doping and whoring…”

It was believed to be written by Cobain himself before he died.

As the sentiment of the note differs from his suicide letter, in which he called his wife a “goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy,” it has put into question the real state of the controversial couple’s marriage before Cobain’s death.

Love’s father, Hank Harrison, even believes that the handwritten note is in line with his theory that his own daughter was involved in her husband’s death.

But Love claims that Cobain did not write the note.

In an email to The Seattle Times, she said that she wrote the letter on New Year’s Eve in 1991 using the stationery from the Phoenix Hotel in San Franciso while Nirvana had a show with the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Pearl Jam.

She and Cobain usually traded such notes that were “laced with sarcasm and course references to sexuality and drug use.”

Love added that the last line of the note is a pledge for them to have sex “at least once a week, O.K.”

Her sister, Nicole Jon Carroll, and a former employee of Cobain’s estate close examined Cobain and Love’s journals, and concluded that Love indeed was the author of the now-controversial note.

Cobain died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head on April 5, 1994. He had a daughter with Love, named Frances Bean Cobain, and who is now 21 years old.