Cressida Bonas is a busy bee since her break-up from Prince Harry. Bonas has been keeping herself occupied with new projects and is said to have won the debut role in "There's A Monster In The Lake," a play Tallulah Brown and directed by Lily Ashley, reported Celebrity Laundry.

Bonas was also spotted practicing for the play. The play is supposed to be shown in How The Light Gets In Festival of Philosophy and Music.

Furthers reports suggest that Bonas split with Harry as she wanted to focus on her career. She is understood to have freaked out after watching Kate Middleton's life style and how she conducted herself at the recently concluded Australian-New Zealand tour.

"Kate feels for Cressie. There's an awful lot of pressure when the whole nation is asking if you're about to get engaged. She told Cressie how she benefited from taking time out when she was on a break from William. Kate said it might be best for them too," a source said to UK's Now Magazine as per Huffington Post.

The 29-year-old royal and 25-year-old Bonas have dated each other for more than two years. Their break-up came a surprise as earlier reports had suggested they are clearly crazy about it each other.

Prince Harry had even invited Bonas to come and stay with her in Kensington Palace, reported Huffington Post.

"It has become very serious, very quickly and Cressida already spends most of her time at Kensington Palace, so Harry asked her to move in seven days a week," a source told UK magazine Grazia previously as per the Web site.

Moreover, Prince Harry and Bonas always wanted to keep their relationship in wraps and they never discussed their future plans with their loved ones, as per the reports.

"They are clearly crazy about each other and privately his friends are sure it's going to last, but they're super private about that question," a source had told E! News (via HP) before the alleged split.