After his summer blockbuster hit "Pacific Rim," Guillermo del Toro is back with his all new period thriller film with Charlie Hunnam, Tom HIddleston, Jessica Chastain and Mia Wasikowska. Movie producer Thomas Tull couldn't help but praise the upcoming movie and revealed that out of del Toro's film like "Hellboy" and "Pans Labyrinth," "Crimson Peak" is his best film yet.

The Mexican film director revealed that his new piece is gothic romance but with style like Rebecca and Jane Eyre during his interview with IGN. A period ghost story set in England, the movie will feature the director's prowess to reinvigorate the horror genre on which he first started as a director.

Citing the influence of Robert Wise's "The Haunting" and Jack Clayton's "The Innocents," the two legendary haunted house horror films are his inspiration to piece the script together for "Crimson Peak." And now after weeks of production del Toro showed Tull an early cut for his new movie and the producer was just blown away.

"I was very excited about Crimson Peak - I'd seen a bunch of the dailies and footage" he explained. "But he cut together a very large assembly and I was absolutely astounded," says Tull in an interview posted on IGN. "I'm going to quote him so I'm not being blasphemous - knowing the great films he's made that are out there - but I think this is going to be his best film."

"The cast in this movie - Mia, Tom, Charlie, and Jessica Chastain - have just embraced their roles and Guillermo, and I literally cannot wait for people to see this," added Tull.

A favorite genre subset for most horror films, haunted house movies offer a wide collection of potential terror. This all-new haunted house thriller will also showcase del Toro's return to his Spanish horror roots, which includes his previous films like "The Devil's Backbone" and "Cronos."

"Crimson Peak is a much, much, much smaller movie, completely character-driven. It's an adult movie, an R-rated movie, pretty adult. Shockingly different from anything I've done in the English language," says 49-year-old director in an interview posted on Screen Rant.

"Crimson Peak" is set to premiere in 2015.