Cryptocurrency exchange Blockbid announce beta launch of live trading

Cryptocurrency exchange Blockbid will be offering live crypto trading online. Its new feature, which will allow users to trade via secure means, is set for a beta lunch on Sep. 28.
According to Blockbid, it would be the crypto exchange with the most crypto tokens available to trade and the largest variety of fiat pairs. The feature would allow beta users to trade BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, BCH and BID, the company’s own token. The users would also trade via a secure and simple means of depositing and withdrawing funds via EFT (electronic fund transfer).
“The next (and final) phrase of beta testing is designed to stress test and fine tune the Blockbid exchange. We greatly appreciate our community’s patience during this testing process and invite them to participate and share their feedback. As we will be putting the platform through its paces and pushing it to its limits, we are doing our best to keep any downtime to a minimum,” COO David Sapper said in a statement.
“However, we believe that in order to truly understand Blockbid’s capabilities, we have to explore its full capacity, and therefore might experience some teething issues (we’re only human, right?). As such, we are offering free trading as a way to say thank you to our users for bearing with us during this testing process and helping us make Blockbid the greatest exchange we could ever imagine.”
Its live crypto trading is expected to have its full launch later this year.
Blockbid an AUSTRAC licence to operate as a digital currency exchange in Australia. The site had its beta launch in April.
Article is based on press release sent for consideration.