A video of a 3-year-old boy arguing with his mother has gone viral on the social media. It shows a three-year-old by the name of Matthew Beltran, who is also called as Mateo arguing with his mother Linda for eating cupcakes. Linda posted the video on February 19 on YouTube and within a month it has received more than 3.5 million likes.

The video starts with Mateo addressing his mother by her name and asking her to listen to him. Little Mateo says in the video, "Linda! Linda Dude listen to me."

Social media users think that this is by far the cutest mother and son argument. The way toddler explains why he should be allowed to have cupcakes is rather funny.

Linda Beltran works for a customer support company Uber Conference and she has posted many videos in the past.

She said in an interview with Uber conferencing, "Like all my other videos, I initially posted this one to share with friends and family. Well, they happened to share it, and the people they shared it with shared it, and so on. I've always said Mateo is an old soul. The kid definitely keeps us on our toes, and this video depicts him, well, accurately."

"If Mateo feels the need and has a valid argument, he will be sure to voice it. He felt he didn't need to eat dinner since he already had lunch, and that cupcakes were a suitable compromise," added Linda further.

In regards to Mateo not addressing Linda as mum she said that Mateo has been purposely taught to address his parents by their first name. Apparently, the family went on a vacation to theme park where they found a lost boy who was unable to locate his parents as he did not know his parents name and only addressed them as mum and dad. This made Linda realize that how important it is for kids to know whom their parents are.

Let us know your thoughts on the Mateo's cute argument video. Do you think Linda is right in allowing her son to address her by her name?