Cycling Australia (CA) today confirmed that it will undertake a review of Mountain Bike Australia's (MTBA) Elite Development Program (EDP) in order to ensure that its affiliate MTBA is conducting the EDP in a manner that is best-practice and is broadly conforming to the strategies and objectives stated in the recently announced Australia's Winning Edge (AWE) from the Australian Sports Commission (ASC).

The review will be conducted independently by the Performance Investment Branch of the ASC, under the direction of the Head of High Performance Strategy, Peter Sharpe.

The review of the EDP will touch upon all the best practice aspects espoused in AWE as they relate to the EDP, its delivery, staff and staff behaviour, EDP objectives & deliverables as well as investigating the overarching governance of the program so that those objectives can be fulfilled. The recommendations developed as a result of the review will be referred to CA and MTBA for their consideration.

"This in an opportunity to analyse the progress of MTBA's EDP and ensure that it proceeds as a program capable of leading Australian Mountain Biking into the 2016 and 2012 Olympics with the confidence that everything possible is being done to achieve the objectives of the program and the purpose of the funding", stated CA CEO, Graham Fredericks.

The methodology of the Review will include interviews with a range of stakeholders; however interested parties are invited to contribute submissions via email:

Attn: MTB EDP Review, c/-

For any other inquiries in relation to the review please contact Graham Fredericks at or MTBA EO, Tony Scott

Cycling Australia