Instagram play boy Dan Blizerian has posted another bizzare photo on his account. The photo posted by a millionaire is of a goat. It seems like it is Dan's pet goat and in the picture it could be seen standing on its hind legs as it wears a collar and manages to pose for the camera.

Dan captioned the photo as, "Meet my surly pet goat Zeus."

Dan also has a pet cat and looks like Zeus is just another addition to his pets list.

Dan indeed has insane amount of money, but from his social updates it looks like he leads a very weired lifestyle. On Sunday, May 11 he posted a photo of a woman in a bikini as she bent over with a pool cleaner in her hand.

The picture was bizzare and he captioned it as, "Do you prefer a woman to clean your pool or give you a foot massage? #SheBetterDoBothIfSheWantsSexFromMe."

Not only Dan is known for posting crazy pictures on Instgaram but is also has a crazy party life. About one his party incident he revealed to The Sun: "I was doing drugs such as coke and ecstasy, and met a stripper who came back to my place. I popped a viagra and nothing happened so I took another one and then boom. Next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital," reported

Dan is 33 and has an estate worth 60 million euros. He has made most of his money by playing high stake poker games. Dan rose to fame when he started sharing the details of his life on Facebook. He shared photos of strippers, his home and the fleet of his cars.

Dan has one million followers on Facebook and more than 1.5million on Instagram.