Dancer Allison Kyler has claimed recently that she was asked by Britney’s camp to double for the pop star in her latest video, “Hold It Against Me’.

According to News.Au.Com, Kyler told TMZ that the video director, Jonas Akerlund drafted her in to perform in Britney’s video, explaining that Spears ‘wasn’t up to scratch in practice’ and had therefore pissed off the director.

Spears was described by TMZ, according to the Australian website, as fleeing the production shoot ‘in tears’ after the reported run-in with Akerlund. Heated arguments ensued when Britney failed to do her steps right.

Britney’s camp however, strongly denied the double-up issue. A spokesman for the singer, told TMX that the ‘accusations could not be further from the truth”, said News.Au.Com.

"Britney worked extremely hard on this video and rehearsed for six weeks prior to shooting. Fans will immediately see how inaccurate these claims are once they see the video,”, the spokesman was quoted as telling TMZ by News.Au.Com.

"This video is gonna be f***ing awesome. It’s all Britney. At the end of the shoot I got the warmest hug I ever got from an artist."