French dairy giant Danone, through its joint venture with dairy co-op Murray Goulburn, has announced the Australian launch of its popular yoghurt Activia.

A leading global brand, Activia is sold in 68 countries, with more than 32 million 125g units of Activia consumed every day around the world.

The yoghurt will be marketed largely to women, with a new advertising campaign citing commissioned research by Galaxy that "two out of three Australian women feel fat, lethargic and lack confidence as a result of stomach bloating".

Activia Ambassador and nutritionist, Zoe Bingley-Pullin, says research has also found that Australia has one of the highest incidences of digestive disorders in the world, with more than 90% of women and 80% of men suffering from some kind of digestive disorder.

"With an overwhelming number of Australian men and women suffering from some kind of digestive disorder such as feeling bloated, Danone is excited to launch Activia yoghurt in Australia," said Bingley-Pullin.

"Activia is backed by 17 published scientific studies and contains an exclusive probiotic, Bifidus Actiregularis, which is proven to assist with digestive discomfort such as feeling bloated," said Zoe.

Manufactured using Australian milk, Activia is available in five flavours - vanilla, strawberry, berries, pear, apple and kiwi fruit.

Activia comes in two convenient sizes, a pack of 4 x125g tubs at RRP$3.99 and an 800g tub at RRP$4.99.