Luxury retailer David Jones is facing legal suits that could cost the company up to $37 million, thanks to its resigned chief executive Mark McInnes as the two were hailed to court for allegations of sexual misconduct, according to statements lodged before the Federal Court.

Charges of unwanted kisses, touching and sending foul text messages to a number of workers were among the complaints contained in the statement with Kristie Fraser-Kirk, a former David Jones employee assigned in the marketing department, leading the pack of complainants.

In her statement, Fraser-Kirk claimed that despite her calling management's attention on Mr McInnes' questionable behaviour, she was still sent to the erring executive for continuous work functions, in an apparent deliberate oversight of her report.

She added that the former David Jones executive proceeded in making his advances even as she made it fully known that the alleged kisses and touches were unwelcome, specifying at one instance that the complainant was even forced to use a taxi door to deter the advances.

Fraser-Kirk said that the incident brought her both personal and professional troubles with further damages on her reputation, all considerations she raised in asking for punitive damages covering five percent that David Jones had amassed from 2003 to 2010 plus another five percent of McInnes salary from the same period.

She added that all damages to be awarded would be paid to charities.

The flamboyant David Jones head resigned in disgrace on June amidst allegations of sexual harassment put forward by some employees.