David Letterman's sex scandal back in 2009 is still haunting his marriage up to now. According to Celebrity Dirty Laundry, his marriage with Regina Lasko is still suffering even after five years have passed since his cheating went public. Regina Lasko is now said to be considering divorce from the famous talk show host. Regina must be hurting that he slept with several of his femal staffers even if they had a five year old son then.

Now that their son, David is ten, David and Regina are said to be trying to repair their marriage to no avail. David even went on an interview admitting his mistakes.

"I have no one to blame but myself," Letterman said in an interview on Oprah's Next Chapter. "I think if you're going to have a flow chart of the responsibility for this circumstance, this sex scandal, my name is at the top. I'm not sure what it means, but I'm taking responsibly for it, trying to atone for it."

According to the sources of National Enquirer, Regina remains to be bitter about David's cheating and still cannot find it in her to forgive her husband. Not only can she not forgive her husband, she cannot bear to live with him on the same house. National Enquirer said that David and Regina are living separately. In addition, "Regina's had it and wants out." However, they are not yet divorcing yet because Regina is trying to avoid putting David on another scandal while his talk show is still running.

David Letterman has earlier claimed he will be retiring by 2015. It is expected therefore that Regina will divorce him then.

According to Celebrity Dirty Laundy, Regina has every right to be angry. David is reportedly still cheating on her up to now. Regina's decision to wait until David's show is over before divorcing him can be considered an act of goodwill.

David's reps denied these divorce rumors, as expected. However, they did admit that David's reputation and family affairs are still suffering from the sex scandal five days ago. Whether or not the divorce will push through, retiring on 2015 may bring about changes in his family life. After his talk show stops running, he can focus on spending more quality time with his son, and maybe smooth things over with Regina.