The "Neon Lights" singer, Demi Lovato made it to Maxim Hot 100 List. The singer expresses what she thinks made her sexy to US Magazine.

"To me, sexiness stems from being confident and comfortable in your own skin," Demi explained.

The singer actress also thinks that of all her physical attributes, her butt certainly stands out. However, the young star does not believe her looks or even her figure make her sexy. Rather, it is her personality that makes her exudes confidence and sexiness. In addition, Demi thinks she's a work in progress and this is what makes her sexy.

"The ability to work at bettering myself -- I'm not perfect, no one is, but I'm working at becoming better every day," she shared. "Every day I can look back and say I'm in a better place than I was yesterday."

Since the topic is on sexiness, Demi Lovato also shared what a guy should do to get her attention.

"To get my attention a guy must be genuine, supportive, real and have the ability to make me laugh," the former X-Factor judge claimed. Not that she needs men becoming attracted to her. She's very happy with Wilmer Valderrama.

Even though Wilmer is hot, Demi has been consistent about not looking at physical attributes when it comes to dating a guy. She is more intent on the person's personality.

"I have [dated Latinos], but it's not important to me - I don't have a nationality preference," Demi told Cosmo, a month ago, adding, "I don't really have a type. I don't think that you fall in love with someone for their clothes or their style. For me, it's about the person."

Making the Maxim Hot 100 List shows how mature Demi has become and how she overcame her own battles with drugs and alcohol.

"I look at my past and I think, 'OK, it was fun at the time, but looking back I don't remember a lot.' I had birthdays where there were a ton of people and everyone was drinking and going crazy. None of those people are still in my life today. Because they didn't care about me and ... I didn't really care about them - I just wanted to party," said Demi once to Cosmo.