The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has been slammed for threatening a writer over her private Facebook post. Vanessa Powell was told by the department that photos that she posted on the social networking site to remove her “offensive remark.”

Ms Powell’s post was a photo of a bus transporting asylum seekers to Curtin in Western Australia on Thursday. A friend named George Georgiadis made a comment underneath the photo that apparently “offended” the department, according to SBS.

But rather than send Ms Powell a private message on the same networking site, the department opted to tweet her, allowing the public to see their post.

@VanessaPowell25 it’s come to our attention that a Facebook post on your wall contains an offensive remark directed at a staff member.1/2

— DIBP Australia (@DIBPAustralia) April 4, 2014

@VanessaPowell25 If you do not remove your Facebook post with immediate effect, we will consider our options further. 2/2 — DIBP Australia (@DIBPAustralia) April 4, 2014

@DIBPAustralia Could you please specify exactly which post you are referring to so I can address your concerns.

— Vanessa Powell (@VanessaPowell25) April 4, 2014

@VanessaPowell25 Post in question is dated yesterday, with a picture of a bus and contains a comment by George Georgiadis. — DIBP Australia (@DIBPAustralia) April 4, 2014

Ms Powell is described as a refugee supporter and a writer, as well as a volunteer at 2SER 107.3 radio.

She has since deleted the post, though she was baffled as to how the department saw it. She added that she was friends with some of the asylum seekers who were being transferred.

DIBP refused to disclose how the post came to their attention, saying it would not be “appropriate” to disclose it. Apparently, the post was public at the time that they saw it.

“The Department of Immigration and Border Protection stands by its position that staff carrying out their duties professionally and lawfully should not be the subject of baseless and unfounded personal attacks. While discourse about government policy, the department and departmental programmes is to be expected, such commentary should not unfairly malign the integrity of public servants,” DIBP explained why they had to order Ms Powell to remove her post.

It’s not known what Mr Georgiadis wrote in comment that had gotten the department’s attention, although DIBP said that it was offensive and directed at a staff member.

“In this instance, the department made a request to a Facebook account owner on April 4, bringing to her attention a comment on one of her posts – which at the time could be viewed publicly – contained an offensive remark directed at a DIBP staff member. The department requested that it be removed immediately.”

Reactions on social media appear to be divided. Some commenters on Reddit claim that Mr Georgiadis and Ms Powell are teachers employed by TAFE NSW, and therefore should be careful with their public posts.

Others take the side of the department, saying they were right to protect an employee who only acted professionally.