
The current season is certainly not a good one for New York Yankees Captain, Derek Jeter.

For the season, Jeter had missed the first 91 games. He came back to the team on July 11 upon healing from two different fractures in his left ankle. However, his ill-luck was just starting. He was not able to return as a regular player ever since returning from his first disable list stint.

His game back on July 11 left him with strained right quadriceps muscles, which sent him back to the disabled list. He healed and came back on July 28, but he experienced pain again the very next day.

As such, he only played five games this season. In this short span of time, he was able to hit one home run.

The loss against San Diego might have been the last straw for the captain, who has been observed to be suffering from intense soreness in his calf afterwards. MRI has shown that Jeter is suffering from a Grade 1-strain and his prospect of being put under the disabled list is very likely. This is very antagonizing for him.

Manager Joe Girardi claimed that the Yankees would make a decision on Monday in Chicago. Alex Rodriguez, the manager claimed can replace Jeter on the roster. This is especially likely if Rodriguez will be reactivated, which the manager firmly holds on to.

This turn in events led the star captain to comment: "It's frustrating," Jeter said. "It's terrible. The whole season has been a nightmare."

Between Jeter's ins and outs to the disabled list and Alex Rodriguez's controversial relation to the Biogenesis case, one cannot help but wonder if New York Yankees stands a chance this season. It is certainly the team's most intriguing season yet.