Gamers Play a Game by Bungie Inc. at the 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo, Known as E3, in Los Angeles
IN PHOTO: Gamers play a game by Bungie Inc. at the 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo, known as E3, in Los Angeles, California, June 10, 2014. REUTERS

Bungie's latest update for its "Destiny" progress may be a big disappointment to those who have enjoyed the beta run and have become very fond of their created guardians.

Community manager David "DeeJ" Dague has announced this over Bungie's updates page over the official Destiny website, with a rather poetic farewell.

"You stood fast in the face of danger. Hive Ogres shook the ground beneath your feet. The Lord of the Iron Banner put your skills to the test. Yet, after every mission, you returned triumphantly to the Tower. Humanity had nothing to fear - not on your watch.

You were brave.

And now, you are gone.

You and millions of Guardians just like you. You helped us build a better world - all of you. But as great as that place has become, it's a place that wouldn't make sense to you anymore. Too much has changed.

I'll remember you, and millions of Guardians like you, for the things you taught us. Thank you for letting us learn from your adventures. We promise your sacrifice will not be in vain."

The long and short of that is, yes, the beta characters will not transfer to the final version of "Destiny." Even the vault has been reportedly cleaned out, too. Bungie did hint that this means reinventing the world of the Guardians for something better, which may be a clue that there will be new, enjoyable things coming with the final version of "Destiny."

One explanation for the need to erase the beta Guardians is offered by Bungie designer Tyson Green. "Since the Beta, we've continued to tune and adjust the game. The way you earn experience has been adjusted up and down a bunch of times. Items have been added and removed. New features toggled. Although there's no single monumental change, the sum of the tweaks leaves characters from the Beta Build in strange shape that would be confusing at best, broken at worst."

Gamescom Events And More Announced

Despite the teary and perhaps frustrating goodbye that beta players would have to undergo with their guardians—and the mixed reception of fans for this decision from Bungie—"Destiny" is still looking forward to another event before its Sept. 9 release date: Gamescom.

Bungie has also announced that it will be at Gamescom, where "Destiny" will be playable. Even those who are not in Germany during Gamescom will be given a chance to receive sweet loot, though Bungie has yet to give any concrete details.

There's also another event to look forward to for "Destiny" fans as Sony's Gamescom press conference will feature the competitive multiplayer of the game. This reveal will feature some new details as well as footage from the MP.

According to The Destiny Blog, these can be seen via the PlayStation Blog on Aug. 12 at 11 a.m. PT, live.

(Credit: YouTube/destinygame)

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