If fans are still symphatizing with Christ Brown on his impending jail time, reports of him violating rehab rules all the time and constantly acting like he is above the rules is bound to change people's minds. Chris Brown was kicked out of a Malibu rehab center on Friday and this promptly led for him to be arrested.

However, it was not clear then why the singer was kicked out. Reports on Monday came out detailing all the violations that Brown engaged in on his short stint on rehab, which involves touching women, refusign to take a drug test and deliberately making a provocative statement while in a treatment group session.

There was a reason why Brown was expressly told not to touch women. He first got into trouble with the law after beating his ex-girlfriend, Rihanna, after all. According to a TMZ report: "The people who run the facility imposed the highly unusual rule... Chris violated it by touching elbows and hands with a woman."

It appears that Brown thinks he is above the law and feels like he can do whatever he wants. Brown was also reported to have a sexual encounter with a woman at the facility. However, he was not being booted out for this, but for touching the elbows and hands of a woman.

Aside from this, Brown also refused to take a drug test, which is mandatory among those who leave the facility.

"Brown left the facility last week on an authorized outing, but when he returned he was told to submit to a random drug test and he refused," reports TMZ.

Brown later relented and took the test, "the results were negative, but the initial refusal was a violation of rules." Brown also cannot behave during group sessions. He reportedly disrespected the session by making some harsh comments. "I am good at using guns and knives," according to a document read in court for Brown's trial.

Despite the lawyer's efforts to get Brown to be held in another rehab facility, the court is not having it anymore. Brown's record has already spoken for itself and the court does not want to take chances on him being back on court because another rehab center was bothered by Brown's unthinking actions, CNN reports.

Brown's legal troubles started five years ago, when he beat Rihanna right on a Hollywood street. He was sentenced to five years of probation as well as 1,400 hours of community labor because he pleaded guilty of felony assault in 2009.