After its 50th anniversary special, "Doctor Who" is returning with a bombastic Christmas Special Episode of 2013. The special segment is titled "The Time of the Doctor" and will be featuring Matt Smith's finale, introduction of Peter Capaldi's Doctor Who, Clara, Daleks, Weeping Angels, Cybermen and more. Here is everything you need to know about Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of The Doctor. (Spoilers Alert!)

Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of the Doctor: Everything You Need To Know (Spoilers)

After "Day of the Doctor," the much anticipated segment of Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of the Doctor will air on Christmas Day on BBC One for UK and on BBC America for U.S. The show will air on Dec. 26 in Australia on ABC1 and on Prime Television in New Zealand. It will be an hour long episode.

Adding to the excitement of the fans are the elements that will be included on this day. Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of the Doctor will showcase the last episode of Matt Smith's Doctor. The show will unfurl the very mystery and answer to the very question that who is the 13th Doctor Who. Although everyone knows that according to the Doctor Who mythology there can only be 12 regenerations of the Doctor. As per the spoilers revealed by reports, rumors, speculations and Steven Moffat the creator of the show itself, Matt Smith is actually the 13th Doctor. And the episode will showcase how.

"We'll find out that Matt Smith is actually the 13th Doctor. Although everyone knows that the Doctor can only regenerate 12 times. The 12 regenerations limit is a central part of Doctor Who mythology - science fiction is all about rules, you can't just casually break them. So if the Doctor can never change again, what's Peter Capaldi doing in the Christmas Special? The Doctor doesn't know off the top of his head what number he is. If you worry about such things, and I do, then I specifically said John Hurt's Doctor doesn't use the title. [Matt Smith's Doctor] is in his 12th body but he's the 11th Doctor, however there is no such character as the 11th Doctor - he's just the Doctor - that's what he calls himself," revealed Steven Moffat about Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of the Doctor as reported by

Besides, Matt Smith's finale Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of the Doctor is a crucial segment for various reasons. This will also be a debut episode of the Peter Capaldi's Doctor. And as per Mirror's report Steven Moffat said that the regeneration scenes are most exciting part of the entire segment.

The synopsis of the Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 segment reads: "Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe's deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars - and amongst them, the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe." Click HERE to see the photos from the special segment.

Majorly the premise of the show will revolve around the 300 year-long war in some future time on the deadly planet Trenzalore. It is here where the Doctor will be buried. The war will be waged by the ruthless villains like Daleks, the Weeping Angels and Cybermen.

Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of the Doctor is a significant segment in the show's history as it will answer several questions related 11th Doctor Who and the mysterious cracks in time that occurred during The Day of the Doctor episode as promised by the creator itself. Also, Matt Smith's Doctor's assistant and speculated girlfriend Clara played by Jenna Coleman will play central role in the segment.

According to the makers and the crew of Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of the Doctor is "emotional" yet "joyous" as there will be some goodbyes to say. Also, fans can expect "lots of humor" as revealed by Steven Moffat. The episode will also be released on DVD and Blu-ray on Jan. 22, 2013 in Australia with two documentaries and behind-the-scenes feature.

Watch the Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of the Doctor spoilers videos below:

Video: Doctor Who Christmas Special Exclusive Extended BBC America Trailer


Video:Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013: The first TV teaser trailer


For more spoilers on Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 Episode Time of the Doctor, read below:

'Doctor Who' Christmas Special Episode Spoilers: 'Time of the Doctor' Plot Revealed- 5 Things to Expect [VIDEO + PHOTO]

Doctor Who Christmas Special Episode 'Time Of the Doctor' Spoilers: New Videos And Photos Reveal Who Clara is?

Who is the Actual 13th Doctor Who? (Spoilers)-VIDEO